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Menopause in the Workplace 

Menopause Coach Menopause Workplace

Menopause affects 52% of the population and can have a significant impact on a woman’s health, well-being and work life. Today, women over 50 are the fastest growing group in the workforce and symptoms of menopause, typically start when a woman is in her 40’s.


Research carried out by Newson Health Research & Education (UK) shows that 77% of women do not realise symptoms are due to menopause, approx. 85% of women experience symptoms, 20% have severe physical and psychological symptoms, 18% take at least 8 weeks off work, 21.2% avoid promotion, 18.2% reduce their hours, and 12.1% resign.

However, it does not have to be this way. With the right education, knowledge and support, women can thrive in this time of their life and in their careers.


Dr Jen is a Health Physiologist, Lifestyle Medicine and Health Coach and can offer your organisation the following services: 


In-Person Talks/Workshops/Virtual Webinars 

  • Menopause (menopause awareness, menopause in the workplace, support & treatment options)

  • Lifestyle Medicine (nutrition, movement, sleep, stress management)

(available as single webinar or webinar series)


Health Coaching

  • Group Health Coaching 

  • 1:1 Health Coaching  


Please contact Dr Jen to discuss how the services offered can help your workforce and your organisation THRIVE!.

Menopause Coach

For more information

Contact Dr Jen to discuss how Menopause education and support and/ Health and Well-being education and support can help your employees and your organisation.  

Menopause Coach

Get in touch: 

Menopause Coach
Menopause Coach
Menopause Coach
Menopause Coach
Menopause Coach
Menopause Coach
Menopause Coach


Smiling Woman

Dr Jen was  so engaging, imparting lots of great advice and motivating too I thought. This is one recording I will definitely be watching again.


When do we get the slides for this incredible session. Will definitely need to re-visit the loaded content, it was absolutely brilliant!

Students in Cafeteria

Dr Jen - you were brilliant! Such a great session and thank you for your support in helping us drive forward an important subject for women in our organisation 

Woman in Office

Thank you so much for the webinar, it's been so well received with lots of brilliant feedback on how useful it was and what a great presenter you are. Really looking forward to working with you again.

Get in touch: 

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